Wow. The Duo had a great time out at the Winchester City Market on Saturday morning! Thanks to everyone out there who stopped by and had a listen. And a big thanks to those of y’all who liked it so much you bought a cd. The Dynamic Duo of Destruction has been asked to play out there again, so we’ll keep ya posted on the date. Thanks also to Hannah for coming out to Red Rocks and filling out the crowd. What a night!
This week!!! NON-STOP MUSIC!!!
Wed- Rhodeside…New venue. We would love everyone’s support on this one.
Thurs- Harrigan’s…Do we even know anyone in Cumberland?
Fri- West Main…We know a few folks in C-Ville
Sat- Brion’s…This is the last summer show at Brion’s, as they are discontinuing live music because of a lack of support. C’mon out and show them how wrong they are.
Hope to see everyone aome night this week.