herb's eye view July 20, 2013 The Heat is On! The heat is o-on! Hoowee! In the words of Bob Dylan: "...hotter than a crotch".… herb 4 Love0
hanson says thismisc July 9, 2013 Reunited And It Feels So Good You may remember this post from a little while ago, about how I was a moron… hanson 0 Love0
updates July 1, 2013 7/1- Just Wanna Keep You Posted…. ... That's there's nothing goin' on. The summer is flying by faster than how fast… hanson 1 Love0
hanson says thismisc July 1, 2013 And Then There Were Five Sad news to report. I had to kill one of my chickens. As I told… hanson 0 Love0
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