Sorry that the website was down for a few days. It really couldn’t have happened at a less opportune time. Both Hanson and I were out of town on different trips for days without the giganet all around us before we were informed that our site was inaccessible. And it was shut down a good week before our long-awaited show at the Kennedy Center. Great…
So, speaking of the Kennedy Center show…
If you thought you enjoyed a Herb & Hanson show before, wait ’til you catch this one! Just imagine — Hanson won’t have to walk into the crowd while in the middle of a song to hear how we are sounding coming out of the main speakers. The Kennedy Center will be taking care of it. I won’t have to cut out of my mandolin break to adjust the board to cut the feedback. The Kennedy Center will be taking care of it. We won’t have to play our instruments through our down trodden, beat up gear. The Kennedy Center will be taking care of it. I won’t be wearing pants. The Kennedy Center will be taking care of it.
Trust me…you won’t want to miss this one.