I’m kinda glad to be out of Knoxville right now. Don’t get me wrong, I really, really liked that town. They love music there. Which is cool, because I love music too. Just yesterday we saw 4 different live acts from 6-12. And that was on a Monday. Cool. But we spent 3 full days there and it was really time to move on.
Hopefully most of you were able to listen to The Blue Plate Special this afternoon. It was fun to do and everyone there was incredibly awesome to us. I feel like I played pretty crappy though. Maybe I was nervous. Maybe I had to poop. Maybe it was just too early in the day to be doing things like that. Maybe I’m just not that good at playing guitar and singing. Anyway…I know a lot of you enjoyed it. Thanks for all the nice text messages and facebook comments and things like that.
Now were in Lexington, KY. I’ve never been here before. And I slept on the way here. And now it’s dark. So I really don’t know what the town looks like yet. So I’m excited for tomorrow when it is light and I can see the town. I’m gonna rock this town like it’s 1999.
Take it.