As a lot of you all know by now, I do quite a bit of traveling from the DC to the NYC. I’m all the time taking the ol’ Bolt Bus to or from those cities. As of this writing, I have ridden the bus 115 times in the last three years. That’s a hell of a lot of bus riding. Anyway, yesterday was one of those days. My journey began on foot. I walked the 3 miles to George Mason University campus, where there is a “free” shuttle that takes you to the Vienna Metro. I say free in quotations because it is only supposed to be free for students of the university. Which I am not. But I once was. Good enough.
So I arrived at the metro and jumped on the orange line to go to Union Station. At this point, it was about noon. And the train was packed with children. Don’t they have jobs? I got to union station a little bit before one o’clock. My ticket wasn’t until 4pm, but I was gonna try and get on an earlier bus because I hadn’t seen the special lady friend in almost 2 weeks and really wanted to get up there. Lucky for me, there was one seat left on the 1 o’clock bus and they graciously let me on at the last minute.
So we were off! I felt bad for my seatmate later on in the ride because I caught myself doing some vicious head nods. And then i woke myself up with my snoring. At least I think I woke myself up. Maybe the girl sitting next to me gave me a little shove. The traffic was heavy and it took a bit longer getting up 95 than normal, but we made it and I exited the bus in midtown around 6pm. Then I jumped on the subway in this city and headed downtown to the special lady friends place of business. Long day of travel.
And here’s the kicker. Today I got an email from the bus company explaining why they are giving me a refund for my trip. Apparently, the 4pm bus had some troubles with the air conditioner or something, and they had to wait at a rest stop in Delaware for a couple hours while a new bus was sent to pick everyone up. So I not only didn’t have to wait at the rest stop, but I also got a free trip to NY. Nice! And before you go judging me for taking something that I don’t deserve, I only paid one dollar for the ticket and I’m not gonna go through the trouble to give it back to them. It;’s only a dollar.