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SoCal Turkey Time

By November 22, 2011herb's eye view

I am delighted to be spending this holiday week in Southern California visiting some of my oldest friends and dearest family.

The first stop was San Diego, a town I’ve not visited in too many years. It’s still pretty much the same. I had 2 goals in this town for this visit: eat fish tacos, and watch the Skins game. Mission accomplished. The shark taco was my favorite and the Skins suck. It’s kinda neat to watch a Skins game in a Skins bar in a town 2,700 miles away from DC at 10 in the morning.

Next stop, the City of Angels. My Left Coast family invited me over for the thanksgiving celebration. And being the wonderfully helpful (and humble) person that I am, I offered if I could help out with any of the dinner preparations. I was quickly asked to take care of the turkey. What up with that?

Naw, it’ll be great! I’m gonna cook this bird upside down. Something I’ve never done before in my life. It looks real good on paper. Let’s see if I can prevent Herb from ruining thanksgiving 2011.

Dun, dun, dun….


One Comment

  • LeftCoastCapsfan says:

    In response, Herb did not ruin the turkey. It tasted great. The turkey roaster is officially named Herb…for the next time he’s in town. For Thanksgiving or any other holiday that requires a turkey. Cousin Herb’s our turkey guy. “Herb” misses Herb though. It’s lonely sitting in the closet. =(

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