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Starting on March 3rd, Herb & Hanson is taking a six month hiatus from performing live shows.  The main reason for our break is that Herb wants to do something awesome.  Something even more awesome than what he does every day in rocking out for all you lovely people.  He is going to walk the Appalachian Trail.  Pretty wicked, right?  He’ll be getting dropped off down in Georgia in early March and then walk all the way to Maine.  It’s gonna take a while.  And we decided to not book any shows during this time.  I thought about it.  But it would really be a logistical nightmare.

There are lots of great and terrible things about this.  Let’s get the bad out of the way first:

– BAD- This one is the worst.  We will miss all of you people.  It’s a great feeling rolling into a town with the expectation of seeing all of our wonderful fans and friends that live there.  Dickie in Wheeling.  Erin in Frostburg.  Terry in New York City.  Rachel in Burlington.  Casey in Shepherdstown.  Beth in Slippery Rock.  Mike in Stowe.  J-Man in Johnstown.  And of course EVERYONE in and around the DC.  I can’t name everyone and every place here, but we love you all.  You know we do.  It’s gonna be rough not seeing you guys for so long.  We’ll have a lot to catch up on.

– BAD- I cannot remember the last time I spent more than a couple weeks in one place.  I love moving.  I love the road.  I love sitting in the car.  It’s where I get most of my reading done.  I fear that I will start to go crazy after about a month of not traveling throughout the mid-atlantic and beyond.  That’s probably gonna suck.

– BAD- We’ve already had to turn down a TON of gigs for the upcoming summer.  I’m sorry to you all that are having a wicked party or getting married or whatever… We of course would have loved to help you all celebrate with the sweet, sweet sounds of Acoustic Destruction.  But we’ll get ya next time around.  Promise.

– BAD- I won’t get to play any music with Herb for a long time.  He’s really fun to play music with.  But honestly, that starts me thinking about the good:

– GOOD- I can’t wait to have the time and focus to start finishing the plethora of songs that are in various stages of completion.  I hope to have an entire catalog of material to teach Herb when he gets back.  Sweet.

– GOOD- We need a break.  As much as we love doing what we do, we’ve been doing it pretty much non-stop for about 7 or 8 years now.  I think this time away from the pressures and inconveniences of the road will be very good for our minds and souls.  We’ll come back stronger than ever.  I’m already loving not having to stress out about filling a calendar month that’s still three months away.  Awesome.

– GOOD- This one is obvious, but HERB’S WALKNG THE APPALACHIAN TRAIL!!!!  It really doesn’t get any awesomer than that.  Awesomest.

-GOOD- While Herb’s walking in the woods for months on end, I get the chance to do some things that I have wanted to do for a long time, but haven’t due to my love of the music.  I’m still gonna be playing most every day, maybe even doing a little home studio record, but I’ve got a ton of ideas for non-music stuff that must get done.  That’s gonna require a whole other blog post though.  Maybe later this week I’ll share with you.

I’m gonna stop there, but there are a lot more goods than bads I think.  Actually, I know.  But here is my final request, PLEASE DON’T FORGET ABOUT US!  Six months can be a long time.  I really hope you guys don’t go out and find some other acoustic duo to listen to and abandon us completely.  I just don’t think I could take that kind of rejection.  I will continue to post everything Herb & Hanson on this site.  Both in the updates section and on the blog.  Herb is going to be blogging about his journey.  It may be on this here site.  But it may be on another site.  Either way, we’ll keep you posted on how to follow.  And who else will play sweet music for you AND share pictures like this with you:




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