Hi there folks. This post is for our great friend The Webmonkey. The Webmonkey is an extremely talented photographer based out of Brooklyn, NY and he needs our help. And your help. He needs a lot of help in a lot of ways, actually. But in this particular instance, it is financial help he is looking for. Not a handout though. You’ll get something in return. Let me tell you the brief story.
It’s one of those terrible stories of being in an urban area, turning your back for 5 seconds, and then finding out that your shit has gotten jacked. Well, I guess that’s pretty much the whole story. He was out west doing a shoot and left one of his gear bags sitting on a street corner. After a few shots in a different direction, he turned to find the bag and the $4000 worth of photo equipment was gone and not to be found. Sucks, right? I don’t know how I would feel if my guitar got stolen. Nor would I know how to continue to make a living doing what I do. It’s not like I (or the Webmonkey) have a few thousand dollars laying around to buy new stuff.
So to remedy his malady he is, for the first time ever, printing out a book of a certain theme of his amazing photos. The theme is buskers of New York City, and it is called The New York Freeharmonic. Killer name, right? For those of you wondering, busking is artists performing in public spaces for smiles and tips. Tips preferred. He has been meeting and snapping amazing shots of buskers for the last few months and his latest set back has inspired him to share them with the public in the one-time-only print opportunity.
The Webmonkey has been a constant friend to Herb & Hanson. Most of the pictures on this site were taken by him. He has been the creator of all of our websites over the years. And he has done all of this for us with no expectations of reciprocation. So this post is the least I can do. The second least I can do is donate to his indiegogo campaign, which I am about to do. Please, please, please at least click on the link and check out some of the photos and read his ideas. If you don’t feel like throwing 5 or ten bucks his way, as a personal favor to us, could you at least share the link with your friends on whatever social media sites you frequent? We all know it only takes a second. That would be rockintastic. And thank you so much in advance.
Here’s the link to The New York Freeharmonic photo book fundraising page.
And the top and bottom photos in this post are from the series. I like them.
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