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By August 14, 2013herb's eye view, misc

I’m in Killington, Vermont about to have breakfast at the Inn on Long Trail. Yesterday was my first zero-day since Port Clinton, Pennsylvania (a “zero-day” is a day off for a hiker where no trail-miles are walked). I wasn’t going to take a zero-day, but events unfurled that lead me to stay in town. And I’m glad that I did.

A bunch of hiker-pals of mine walked into town yesterday and we were reunited after not seeing each-other for a coupla weeks. One of which is unfortunately leaving the trail to start classes – I wasn’t sure I was going to see him again before he left. I’m glad I took the zero.

I’ll be in Hanover, New Hampshire in 3 days where I was fixin’ on getting my next shower. My last shower was in Massachusetts. While walking through Vermont, I was slightly amused and disgusted that I was most likely going to traverse this entire great state without showering in it. I’m glad I took the zero.

One of the non-hiker guests here at the Inn brought along his guitar. Several of us thru-hikers here are musicians and we were ecstatic that there was a fine instrument available to us to play. We sang so many songs and it felt real good to play on steel strings again – my first opportunity since being reunited with my mandolin in Virginia. I’m glad I took the zero.

I’ll be walking again today. The weather is supposed to be nice for the rest of the week. And I’m now well rested after sleeping in a bed for the first time since Duncanon, PA. I’m currently 1,700 miles in with just under 500 more miles to go. I’m excited and a little scared and a little sad, but mostly happy that I’m at this tail-end of this trip.

One more month and I’ll be eating lobster.

Miss you all!





  • Rick Scully says:

    Your bro is staying with us this weekend. Will we see you too?

  • Bridget says:

    Herb, I’m so glad to see another update from you. I can’t wait to hear about all your travels and crazy encounters. But I’m sure you’ll have to tell everyone on many many occasions, so I plan on getting you drunk so you don’t mind saying it again. I miss your face around Whole Foods, and I’m sure lots of people look forward to seeing you again. I’m about to get ready to head down to Richmond to see Gwyn. She and I are going to make the belts for the bridesmaids, the wedding is right around the corner and I am so excited, a little nervous about the wedding itself, but mostly excited to get married and try to start a family together. I really hope you can make it back in time, I took the liberty of rsvp’ing yes for you, but if you’d like to bring a guest, let me know and I’ll put a plus one. Or if you won’t make it back in time lemme know too.
    I wish you a safe and happy rest of the trail, and I can’t wait to see you!
    Love you much,

  • Jman says:

    Lookin’ good, Herb! I’ll have to tell my Dad to check this out so he can see your Nats hat. Continue on the safe side of life and eat some lobster for me! Only 500 miles to go!!!!

  • Emily says:

    I love you, Herb. I miss you.

  • Greg says:

    Hope you are having a great time out there Herb. Looking forward to seeing you when you get back. Enjoy the lobster, it’s delicious.

  • Larry says:

    Herb, keep rocking the Green and White Mountains. Can’t wait to hang out and hear more about your adventures!

  • Mike Carbonneau says:

    Hey there, two sticks! I was the guy with the guitar at the Long Trail Inn. I’m so glad that my guitar was able to be part of your extremely well deserved zero day, and I had a great time playing with you. I’m actually writing this reply in a tent … In the rain… at a wonderful music festival in New York called the Last Gasp. I finally looked you and hanson up on the web, and I really do like what I hear! On to Katahdin!!

    • Herb says:


      I’m happy to hear from you and that you were at a music festival. Music is my favorite.

      If you email me a mailing address I’d be more than happy to have those CDs sent to you.

      Have fun!


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